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Carolyn Taylor

Consultant Solicitor

Carolyn is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost mental health lawyers in the country. She is described inLegal 500 as having significant experience in mental health, both as a civil and criminal lawyer, and is an acknowledged expert in this field. She specialises in all aspects of law relating to mental health, in particular representation at Mental Health Tribunals.


Carolyn previously ran her own firm, Taylor Nichol, in North London until it merged with East London firm TV Edwards LLP in 2008, where she became a Member-Partner.
Carolyn joined MCK Solicitors Ltd in September 2018. 


Carolyn has been involved in legal and professional training for over 20 years providing specific training in mental health law to the profession, local authorities and other agencies. Carolyn is an Appraiser for the Tribunal Service, an Assessor on the Law Society's specialist Mental Health Accreditation Scheme and a Mental Health Tribunal Judge.

Accreditations & Memberships:

  • Member of the Law Society's Mental Health Accreditation Panel.

  • Civil and Criminal Higher Rights Advocate.

  • Member of the Law Society's Mental Health
    and Disability Committee.

  • Member of the Mental Health Lawyers Association
    and Justice. 

  • Carolyn is currently a member of the Advisory Panel of
    the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act set
    up by the government. 

  • Carolyn is a co–applicant for the East London NHS Foundation Trust research project ‘Making the treatment of involuntarily hospitalised patients more effective (INVitE) 

  • Carolyn is a Trustee on the board of the Irene Taylor Trust for music in prisons.


Publications: Representing Mentally Disordered Offenders – a Practical Guide (The Law Society 2010).

Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch shortly.

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Or contact us on 

020  3761 3550


Contact Carolyn on 

07857 699 692

or email

We are proud to hold the Specialist Quality Mark and are contracted with the Legal Aid Agency

MCK Solicitors Ltd is registered in England No. 09720371 and is authorised and regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority 624080

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